M.-Sánchez, we are only one year and a half of the championship, and for what it is possible to estimate in the circuit, it is that the interior of Buenos Aires has a strong positioning in the calendar of events. Is it like that?
It is possible to estimate and say that yes. But it is not exactly that has major positioning, but that from the initial idea, we face this way because the provinces need major time to organize the teams of competition and the economic factors with the stay in Buenos Aires. The schools of Buenos Aires can be organizing with much less time because the championship is here.
M. - If you had to compare the championship of 2005 with this next championship of 2008, which of the two has major force?
They are two championships in different contexts and epochs. It is like everything; in 2005 there was great intrigue on what was proposing and more elaboration and work. The people know that I fulfilled with what I promised. Now for the championship of the world of 2008, the people know the format, know when to classify, and especially we have a previous precedent.The fact that 14 countries have participated in an open world championship, already it is historical. The 2005 was the first one. What made it like that was the synergy generated by the innovation. Also the influence that, for the first time, was promote an event with three years of anticipation through selective.
M. - Do you perceive that the people wait for the next championship?
Enough. There are classificatory distributed in 15 provinces, we count with the triple of events that for 2005, that says very much. People already know the format and is speculating with the classification. From January, the time is shorter and the movement will be stronger in the country.
M. – You have classification tournaments in other countries. Is it like that?
Even it seems to be incredible it is like that. We count with classification tournaments in Uruguay, Brazil, Honduras, Venezuela, and now Peru and Guatemala added. In addition, we are managing to add Chile, Paraguay, Puerto and Mexico.
M. - To what you attribute it?
Of the Championship Argentina 2005, was informed almost the whole America and Europe.
For this event, we face the diffusion method by Internet route with another strategy and include a blog www.rumboargentina2008.blogspot.com where we report to the world of what happens day after day. A promoter of championships asked for a classificatory tournament in his country and that way was build the international fixture. Let's say that is was “casual”.
M. - What quantity of countries confirmed and how many you expect that take part?
To the moment, we have 35 teams of 16 countries and wait for a whole of 25.
M. - is a very strong prediction. Do you see that this participation could be viable?
I believe that yes. In addition I do not have doubts that the III World’s Championship “Argentina 2008 " is going to be giant.
The projection to generate an “Argentina 2008 “, is bigger than the 2005. In addition today I have international contacts that before I did not have, these already have references of the works that I carry out in Argentina. The international classificatory also are a sample of what is in preparation. Honestly, I do not know a circuit in the world that diagram this way. This also does that the championship estimates differently.
M. - Had you thought that this would happen?
M. – What do you think today?
From my interpretation, I believe that I broke with the paradigm in which the world championships only do in North America and in Europe. Argentina 2005 was the first offer in Latin America. I broke with the organizational schemes; in addition, takes part the one who classifies. The world championship is open but the people must win a place to take part. It makes it attractive, interesting and challenging. Only winners take part, therefore also contributes that in the championship we wait a high performance of the competitors.
It is possible to estimate and say that yes. But it is not exactly that has major positioning, but that from the initial idea, we face this way because the provinces need major time to organize the teams of competition and the economic factors with the stay in Buenos Aires. The schools of Buenos Aires can be organizing with much less time because the championship is here.
M. - If you had to compare the championship of 2005 with this next championship of 2008, which of the two has major force?
They are two championships in different contexts and epochs. It is like everything; in 2005 there was great intrigue on what was proposing and more elaboration and work. The people know that I fulfilled with what I promised. Now for the championship of the world of 2008, the people know the format, know when to classify, and especially we have a previous precedent.The fact that 14 countries have participated in an open world championship, already it is historical. The 2005 was the first one. What made it like that was the synergy generated by the innovation. Also the influence that, for the first time, was promote an event with three years of anticipation through selective.
M. - Do you perceive that the people wait for the next championship?
Enough. There are classificatory distributed in 15 provinces, we count with the triple of events that for 2005, that says very much. People already know the format and is speculating with the classification. From January, the time is shorter and the movement will be stronger in the country.
M. – You have classification tournaments in other countries. Is it like that?
Even it seems to be incredible it is like that. We count with classification tournaments in Uruguay, Brazil, Honduras, Venezuela, and now Peru and Guatemala added. In addition, we are managing to add Chile, Paraguay, Puerto and Mexico.
M. - To what you attribute it?
Of the Championship Argentina 2005, was informed almost the whole America and Europe.
For this event, we face the diffusion method by Internet route with another strategy and include a blog www.rumboargentina2008.blogspot.com where we report to the world of what happens day after day. A promoter of championships asked for a classificatory tournament in his country and that way was build the international fixture. Let's say that is was “casual”.
M. - What quantity of countries confirmed and how many you expect that take part?
To the moment, we have 35 teams of 16 countries and wait for a whole of 25.
M. - is a very strong prediction. Do you see that this participation could be viable?
I believe that yes. In addition I do not have doubts that the III World’s Championship “Argentina 2008 " is going to be giant.
The projection to generate an “Argentina 2008 “, is bigger than the 2005. In addition today I have international contacts that before I did not have, these already have references of the works that I carry out in Argentina. The international classificatory also are a sample of what is in preparation. Honestly, I do not know a circuit in the world that diagram this way. This also does that the championship estimates differently.
M. - Had you thought that this would happen?
M. – What do you think today?
From my interpretation, I believe that I broke with the paradigm in which the world championships only do in North America and in Europe. Argentina 2005 was the first offer in Latin America. I broke with the organizational schemes; in addition, takes part the one who classifies. The world championship is open but the people must win a place to take part. It makes it attractive, interesting and challenging. Only winners take part, therefore also contributes that in the championship we wait a high performance of the competitors.
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