Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Ham Do Worldwide organization welcomes you to the Third World Martial Arts Championship “ARGENTINA 2008”. The championship will be celebrated in three important days; from November 14 to November 16, in Buenos Aires, in the World Cup Stadium of the German Society of Gymnastics, located in Marquez avenue and 9 de Julio street, party of San Martin, Buenos Aires

Twenty three countries are already confirmed and more than 2500 will participate, they also will take part of the international celebration of the Twenty fifth Anniversary of the Ham Do foundation.



If you wish to participate, individually or with your school, ask for information and we will send you a folder by e-mail, to or

You can watch the news in Spanish in the following page: or in English

website official:

The Third World Championship will have journalistic coverage by TV, and the following magazines: ‘Rincón de las artes marciales’, ‘magazine’, ‘Ham Do’ magazine, ‘Latinoamérica Marcial’ magazine, ‘YudoKarate’ magazine, and ‘Total Trainer’ magazine.

On November 10, 11, 12 and 13 delegations of Argentina and abroad will be arriving.

On November 13 it will be the performance of the press conference.

On November 14 the competition starts at 9 a.m., then, the opening of the World Championship will take place at 5 pm, with giant screens, luminance, special effects and demonstrations of international teams.

Delegations will be presented, their directives, and special mentions will be given. It will be fascinating and unique.

On November 15 there will be competitions of children and young. In forms and combat.

On November 16 only adults will compete, national teams combat and the WORLD CHALLENGE OF CHAMPIONS. Once the championship is finished, the farewell ceremony will be performed, with an emotive celebration. IT WILL BE EXCITING!!!

In this championship we will perform the special category WORLD CHALLENGE OF CHAMPIONS – Where only two competitors per country can participate; one in kata and one in combat. If you wish to participate, request information. You can enroll until September 15 to:

We all know what it means to an amateur sportsman to participate in a World Championship with competitors of different countries and cultures. That’s why WE HOPE YOU COME to this celebration of martial arts.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Offical clothing of the international staff

During the championship, all the international staff will be uniformed in order to be identified according to the function assigned within the different roles to play

The World Challenge of Champions

The World Challenge of Champions

Un solo competidor en Kata y Un solo competidor en combate

Only one competitor in kata and Only one competitor in combate

Champion cash prize to each category of U$S 600


Final del III Campeonato del Mundo Argentina 2008
November 16, 2008 - Final of the third world championship Argentina 2008

Sociedad Alemana de Gimnasia - Avenida Marquez y 9 de Julio
Partido de San Martín - Buenos Aires

Informes e inscripción

Los competidores que deseen participar en esta categoría, son requisitos ser mayor de 21 años de edad y poseer la categoría de cinturón negro. La inscripción se encuentra abierta hasta el 29 de septiembre.
The Competitors who wish to participate in this category, must be older than 21 years of age and have the range of black belt. Registration is open until September 29

Monday, May 5, 2008

Anniversary - 25 years

Dear colleague, student and friend of the martial arts I want to share with you the immense happiness of being able to say today on April 5, 2008 that fulfills 25th anniversary of Ham Do.

To come after so much time up to this stage means to have learned of the martial arts, what means the effort, the responsibility, to hold the values and the principles to achieve a personal growth. Of course that I have not come alone until here, there were many people who in the good and the bad moments they were there for me in a way of full uncertainty.
I learned that to be a martial artist from the “nothing” costs if we are removed from our values, learned that the realizing of something are important if we can share these with others, learned that to leave a legacy allows to leave footsteps for the future of the next generations, that some day they will be part of this tour in which many, today we travel in the martial arts.

I thank to my teachers, pupils and instructors, and all the people who taught me their secrets, they encourage me and correct the course to continuing when I take some mistaken detour.
Many of you know me for being an organizer of events, teacher, executive, etc. But inside my interior, as a person, I take the firm commitment to live through the life of what I love, of that I can dream, of all that what allows me test myself and for especially what is significant inside the martial arts.

I write these lines in the present recalling a past full of stories and experiences of 28 years of tour in the martial way.

Today my desire was to share these words, tomorrow already it is another day to continue in this way to which I chose, and it will be like that until God decides that this game finishes.
Without more to say, thank you very much to all that somehow or other are with me. Thank you very much for accompanying and allowing me to cross a path which ends when we have decided to rest our interior being.

I want to make a toast for the friendship and that reigns the peace in the world.
Thank you and until the next time!!!

As they say in the India when the people are greeted …. NAMASTE!!

Eduardo Sanchez
Director of Ham Do Worldwide

International Report

A cordial greeting my friend:

Well, I’m taking some minutes to tell you how is organizing the work before the championship of the world and everything what patrols to the movement in general.

First, for everything that is happening and the quantity of people who communicates, my conclusion is that we have overcome what we had planned and in addition we think that overcomes the summons of what was the world championship of Argentina 2005. Today we are dividing equally an estimation of 2500 competitors and approximately 22 countries.

There is a logical reason to this matter. Having the reference of a previous event to which it was a record for Argentina, this one is postulated to increasing the summons. To comparison of the international participation of Argentina 2005, for this event of Argentine 2008, added Ecuador, Guatemala, Canada, Italy, Costa Rica, Honduras and Puerto Rico.

And in these days already we have received the confirmation of Uganda, Ukraine and Georgia. Interesting countries and county for treating about places that very rarely we have contact in case of open tournaments.
Today I don’t doubt the participation of many of them, because they have communicated when it was 2005, but due to the precedent of this year, they have taken a firm decision in taking part.

Inside the international confirmations we rely with countries of many competitors like Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay and Peru. Only Chile we think that they will present to compete more than 200 competitors. This is incredible. Not only to Chile but to all those who are supporting us I must say to them thank you for being present with so strong participation.

Here in Argentine there is a strong development of schools that are looking to classify in the tournaments of the circuit. I must confess that I am surprised!! For everything what happens.

We will end a year with a circuit that will close approximately with 40 classifying tournaments, 4 more events have added, 2 in Argentina precisely in Santa Fe and Tierra del Fuego and 2 more will be realize in Chile.
Changing topic, we have closed the advertising agreements with the magazines “Total Trainer” and “Yudo Karate”, which in addition they support the Championship of the World as one of the principal ones of the open championships of the country. In addition the creation of the magazine “Latinoamerica Marcial” that I am an external agent, the team of direction has achieved to give it a touch to this way. It impressed me that in only 15 days it has more than 1700 visits.

Also I was interviewed by the TV program “El Rincon de las Artes Marciales ", where was realized a special production that will spread in the whole America. For what they have commented is in different media of Internet. For that I will comment to you when this is about being presented. Thank you!! To the masters of the production.

Tomorrow on Saturday, the 5th of April, it begins to train the first aspirants to integrate the Argentina Selection, under Sergio Zamorano's direction. If you read me Sergio I want to be grateful to you for the strong commitment that you have taken. It is not easy to be in your place, knowing that Argentina must have response in the final result. Success for you.

This weekend of April 12 I begin to travel together with my team of inspectors, for different points of the country in addition, I will be selecting competitors to call them for integrating the team of training for the future selection
I take advantage in addition of this report to communicate to the schools of Argentina that only those who classify can bring the competitors to take part.
Only classifying in form and combat, they can compete. Other specialties are not necessary to classify. Also it is the case of competitors of major of 35 years and 4th Dan in ahead, they are not necessary to classify.

Also there are something that is important … All the foreign schools can take part in the Championship of the World, but they must have in mind of adapting to the official regulation. You can extract it from the web

Well … this is what I wanted to transmit. If you want to make me some consultations do not stop writing to the e-mail

A strong hug and have a nice day.

Eduardo Sanchez
Director of the Championship of the World.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

International Selections

Communicates that a national selection cannot be constituted by competitors of the same school, unless the team is unique to represent to his country. The representative one of a national team can send the list as selection when the same one has it shaped, and in case that exist more than one, the first presented team will be respect and the others have to wait of being notified if in some circumstance stops participating some member.

The delegates who want to present its team can do it writing and sending the official list to the e-mail:

Keep visiting the info on the web of the Championship of the World Argentina 2008

Recommendation by season

Is suggested to the delegations in Argentine and the foreigner to take the precautions on the reservation of hotel, November is a month where big international conventions are realized and the foreign tourism will be well-known

New international championships

New championships to realize in Latin America will be announced soon and incorporated in the international fixture.

It is important to remind that these classifying tournaments have for target that the schools that have classified under these international events could select and arm a team of competitions. Also worth clarifying that, the international competitors it is not a condition to classify to take part in the championship of the world. The classifying tournaments of Argentina are events of classificatory character, to limit the competitors' quantity and that highlights the technical level of the same ones.

Record of anticipation

According to the record of international schools that confirmed their participation, has excelled itself 40 delegations between teams and groups that will come. Chile, Venezuela and Peru, they are the countries more numerous up to the moment. Though there is not great the time that is absent for November

Competitors add for the Champions' Challenge

Competitors of Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay, United States and Spain, already began to send their sports curriculum to take part in the special category “CHAMPIONS’ WORLD CHALLENGE”, which will be realized, finished the championship of the World, on the 16th

Passbook of arbitration

From April will implement the passbooks of arbitration, with the target of those who are judges, assistants judges who fill the points’ lists and umpires can register the sum of hours of training.

The principal target is that the hours of training allows the participants to consolidate knowledge and develop skill of answers for the interventions in the tournaments and the major scene that will be the championship of the world. In the open tournaments, it is the first time that uses this method for an event of these characteristics

Chief of umpire

The Master Alberto Dik, the director of the Argentina Center of Sipalki Mu Do Yang, will be the maximum referent to take part in the umpires' selection and accomplish with the chief's function of umpires of the III Championship of the World “Argentina 2008”

Keep visiting the web of the championship of the world

Meeting for Argentina selection

On Monday On The 1st of March met Eduardo Sanchez and Sergio Zamorano to finalize the details about the armed of a national team that will be representing to Argentine in the III Championship of the World. Sanchez has delegated a team of people that will be seeing and will be controlling the classifying tournaments and in addition will choose the best exponents that present in these events, having in count the winners of the controlled contest.

In April begins the trainings of the selected group.

¡¡My words of gratefulness¡¡

From Ituzaingo, Buenos Aires (my place of residence), I send a warm greeting to you dear friend of the martial arts and I want to say thank you for visiting this blog.

When this space was create, it was just to inform to some schools about the qualifying tournaments fixture for the World Championship Argentina 2008 through the Argentina Tour circuit.

From outside as a spectator, I noted the great growth that has been produce with the presentation of our news, commentaries and proposals presentation

I must confess that, the international reach that this blog has, it has surpassed my own understanding, because I never thought about the impact that would have this way of elaborating our proposal.

For that reason, it seemed opportune to “appear in the scene” and to leave some lines of gratefulness to those who are with me in this process. As it is know in all realization, there are many people, who directly or indirectly are part of this construction.
When the decision of realize the World Open Championship Argentina 2005 was take, to me as my team was a work that went over of all imagination of organizational structure. Like result, 14 countries were there. It was all international celebration!

For this new edition, the World Championship Argentina 2008 exceeds our previous accomplishment. Not just by its magnitude, also by the development that is generating in the Argentina and different countries that send us their support.

In this note, I want to honor to all the organizers of Argentina and adhered countries by the vision that they had, and the great work that they do for realize their events.

I want to thank the schools of the 17 countries that until the moment will participate on the III World Championship Argentina 2008, to congratulate those competitors who qualified and bring to me their joy through their messages. Also, thank the contextual support of the professors that from around the world send us their e-mail periodically.
To all the Argentineans who are living in different countries that also send their emails with some nostalgic because they are far away of our country, their home. A big hug brother!!

I cannot let to say enormously thank, to my work team and instructors of Ham –Do that walks this path and to the companies who support in Argentina and in the outside.

To them who are part of this realization of Argentina 2008 and to you, that you accompany to us with your visit, my personal gratefulness.
Eduardo Sanchez
Director of the III World Championship “Argentina 2008”
Director of Ham Do Worldwide

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Changing the paradigm of the arbitration

On February 9 took place the first seminar of arbitration in Buenos Aires, with an assistance of 37 instructors from Santa Fe, Brazil, Uruguay, representatives of Peru, Catamarca, Punta Alta and Buenos Aires.
The seminar there was dictated in this occasion by Eduardo Sanchez, the director of the Ham Do Organization; the one who in his character of organizational coach orientated the seminar based on the importance of the attitude that there must bear in mind those who officiate with judges, considering that not only to know the rules guarantee the development of the umpires.

It referred also in raising and consider like reflection; that the performance of those who compose a staff of umpires, judges and assistants judges who fill the points’ lists based in prioritizing the relation between the persons above the role that these fulfill. Since we have forgotten that those who are judges, competitors and staff are persons who accompany the sports movement. Invited to foment also the relational vinculum, to stop creating fragmentation between martial artists for defending political interests, for idealizing the styles, the origin and the technical differences.
We, the ones who practice martial arts, we have promised to contribute with the martial arts and that in our role of instructors and umpires we must make a better way for the competitors' future generations that dream of the victory and fair game.

Finished the seminar those who were present agreed in supporting for the future events course to the World’s Championship Argentina 2008, the possibility of opening a space that favors to those who take part in tournaments with an arbitration, that clearly without favoritism and that the fact that the person who chooses to be a judge takes the commitment to be from a professional attitude and with a strong enthusiasm for the vocation of directing the competition as space of enjoyment for those who love martial arts.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Information to highlight

Due to the important quantity of messages that we have received from different parts of the world making questions about the Championship of the World, I take advantage of this way of communication that we have created, with the purpose of leave in clear some important points and so this way can help as an answer for any worry.

With regard to the argentine competitor

.- The argentine competitors who want to compete in form and combat, in the championship of the world, must classify in any tournaments that we present on the fixture “Argentina Tour”.

.- The competitors and schools that want to participate in the categories of: form by team, self defense, musical form, form with weapon, musical form with weapon and Tai Chi Chuan, can do it without previous classification.

.- The competitor who classified in form, can not participate in combat and can’t change the category.

. - The category Light Contact is not a category that is realized in the Championship of the World.

.-The competitor that has won in Light Contact can choose participate in combat in the championship of the world.

.- If a competitor classified with a certain range of graduation and in the championship has other category because this has passed any exam, must participate with the last obtained graduation.

.- The elements of combat and official protections that the competitor must use on the championship, must be protections of polyurethane, Gran Marc type. Can’t be use elements of leather or cloth.

With regard to the classification tournaments

.- Any school that want to take part in the championship of the world, can participate in any of the tournaments that we announce on the blog and in the official web site of the championship.

.- The events that are detailed on the blog and in the web site are the only authorized tournaments to be promoted inside the circuit “Argentina Tour”.

With regard to the foreign delegations

.- Any school, group or organization can take part in the III Championship of the World “Argentina 2008”, without the requirement of classifying in the announced international tournaments.

.- The competitor that has the range of color belt can participate only with the assent and written authorization (previous registration) of the instructor that certifies that this competitor finds in condition of participate.

.- The classification tournaments realized in other nations, are promotional events with the objective that the participating schools can choose, to do a previous selection of competitors to arm the representative team.

.- The championship will develop in three days of competition in November, 14-15-16.

The schools, instructors and organizations that want to take part in the Championship of the World, please send us an e-mail to:

With regard to the category “Challenge of Champions”

.- This category in only for black belts.
.- Takes part one competitor for country.
.- Is divided in combat and form.
.- In combat only participate men.
.- In form can take part women and men.

.- The requirement to participate is to send a sport curriculum in case that exists more than one competitor for country.

.- In case that exists more than one competitor for country, the organization will choose the best curriculum.

.- In the curriculum must be registered the sports profits, not the professional trajectory.

.- The competitor that wants to compete in this category must send the curriculum and a picture of
the face.

- The competitors of this category photo will be included in the web, this way there will know those who are the competitors.

.- If you want to participate in the category CHALLENGE OF CHAMPIONS, write us to:

.- This category will be developed on Sunday before the Championship’s ceremony of closing.

We hope that this information can be helpful.
We send you a cordial greeting.

Eduardo Sanchez
Director of the Ham Do Organization.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Presentation Web Site


El Encuentro...The encounter...
presentacion pagina web / presentation page Web
Eduardo Sanchez

Fixture - Argentina Tour

The circuit of competition “Argentina Tour” is designed to enable competitors that will take part in the III World’s Championship “Argentina 2008”, through the system of classification.
In the III World’s Championship, the argentine competitors who want to take part in form and combat, only will be able to take part those who only have classified in the selective of the period 2006/2007/2008

Is not requirement to classify for the world’s championship those that want to take part in form by team, musical form, musical form with weapon, tai chi chuan and self defense.

All the competitors major than 40 years and masters from 4th Dan in ahead, can participate without previous classification.

The tournaments that compose the international fixture are promotional events so the schools can measure and select competitors that want to take part in the III World’s Championship.

Levels of classification championships:
Level 1 Star: classify competitors up to the 3rd position.
Level 2 Stars: classify competitors up to the 4th position
Level 3 Stars: classify competitors up to the 5th position.
In all events, the competitor will have to receive his certificate of classification and the obtained position.
The schools that want to incorporate its event in the fixture of classification tournaments have to communicate by email to The organization reserves the admission’s right.

To take in count:
1- We recommend to the schools that before participating or travel, make contact with the organizers, for any circumstance that could arise to last moment.
2- The organization of the circuit “Argentina Tour”, does not take responsibility of the circumstances that could arise, that are foreign to the organization.
3- We invite to visit the section periodically, for new events of your interest.

Fixture 2008
10 – Buenos Aires (3 estrellas)
FX-66 Martial Arts Championship
Org: Eduardo Sanchez
Telef.: 011-4624-0753

23 – Tierra del Fuego – Ushuaia (1 estrella)
Org: Walter Gimenez
Telef.: 02901-15512211

06- San Juan – Capital (1 estrella)
Sudamericano de Wushu Kung Fu
Org: Luís Ramírez

12 y 13 – Córdoba – La Falda (3 estrellas)
Reto de las Montañas
Org: Hugo Heller
Telef.: 03548-15639116

13 – Santa Fe – Gdor Galvez (1 estrella)
Torneo sudamericano
Org: Dario Gutierrez

11 – La Rioja – Chilecito (1 estrella)
Copa Chilecito
Org: Fernando Montaño
Telef.: 03825-15555785

11 – Buenos Aires – San Martín (1 estrella)
Org: Diego Pérez
Telef.: 01-4722-1867

11 – Buenos Aires – La Pampa (1 estrella)
Org: Mario Bonilla
Telef.: 02302-15489663 / 424396

18 – Córdoba – Capital (3 estrellas)
Org: Fabián Loyola

Monday, February 4, 2008

“Maestros” Magazine

Eduardo Sanchez has been cover of the Maestros magazine on December 2007

Champions’ World Challenge

For the Martial Arts World’s Championship “Argentina 2008”, was designed a special category where only will take part one competitor for each country. This competition divides in forms and combat.
For this first presentation, in combat category will only take part men - black belt and in the category of forms can take part women and men – black belts. One competitor cannot take part in both categories and in its curriculum must have at least two titles of champion of his country.
In next notes, it will be extended in major detail this champions' world challenge.

We expect more than 25 countries!!

On September 16, the Republic Argentina’s International Open Championship, organized by the Ham Do Organization, closed and gave start to the second stage of the Argentina Tour Competition’s Circuit, where it counts with other 58 classification tournaments for the rest of the year and the next 2008.
We are proud for the development of international activities that come producing around the III Martial Arts World’s Championship “Argentina 2008”, which is going to be realized in Buenos Aires from November 14 to 16, 2008.

Also we feel very pleased and contained by many international directives that offer us their contributions in order that the World’s Championship be a strong World celebration, where we expect the participation of more than 70 delegations of 25 countries and more than 200 schools from Argentina.

International classificatory tournaments in Guatemala, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Honduras, Peru and Brazil, show us the strong Latino American support to this new proposal that we present to the World.

Soon we will be giving the invitations to the schools of the confirmed countries. In the mid time, we continue informing what is happening day by day through this blog.

Taking advantage of these lines, I do not want to say goodbye without before being grateful again with the organizers of the classificatory tournaments, to all who compete in out events, to all who write, to the media, the companies, to my instructors, to all the competitors and to all that visit this way of communication.

Thank you!! And i hope to see you soon!

Eduardo Sanchez
Director of the World’s Championship “Argentina 2008”
Director of Ham-Do Worldwide

Championship’s Details

Specialties: Form with weapon – Individual Form – Form by Team (3) – Musical Form with Weapon – Musical Form without Weapon – Bearing Combat – Self Defense – Nation’s Combat – World Challenge(Form – Combat) – Form Grand Champion.
Participation: Infantile – Juveniles – Adults – Man and Woman – Color Belts and Black Belts –
Quantity of categories: 320 categories

Prizes: 1st to 4th place.

Journalistic Coverage: Magazines, radio and television

Confirmed Countries: Spain – Brazil – Republic Dominican – Paraguay – United States – Colombia – Canada – Uruguay – Puerto Rico – Panama – Peru – Chile – Mexico – Venezuela – Ecuador – Honduras – Costa Rica – India and Italy.

International Registration

Schools, teams and individual competitors who want to take part in the World’s Championship will be able to send the personal information to the following e-mail

This way was lived the Republic Argentina’s National Open Championship.

With the view to the accomplishment of the next Martial Arts World Championship “Argentina 2008”, it realized the XVI edition of the Republic Argentina’s Open carried out by the Ham Do Organization.
Visit and enjoy the images galleries

Interview with the magazine “Magazine”: Open talk with Eduardo Sanchez

M.-Sánchez, we are only one year and a half of the championship, and for what it is possible to estimate in the circuit, it is that the interior of Buenos Aires has a strong positioning in the calendar of events. Is it like that?
It is possible to estimate and say that yes. But it is not exactly that has major positioning, but that from the initial idea, we face this way because the provinces need major time to organize the teams of competition and the economic factors with the stay in Buenos Aires. The schools of Buenos Aires can be organizing with much less time because the championship is here.
M. - If you had to compare the championship of 2005 with this next championship of 2008, which of the two has major force?
They are two championships in different contexts and epochs. It is like everything; in 2005 there was great intrigue on what was proposing and more elaboration and work. The people know that I fulfilled with what I promised. Now for the championship of the world of 2008, the people know the format, know when to classify, and especially we have a previous precedent.The fact that 14 countries have participated in an open world championship, already it is historical. The 2005 was the first one. What made it like that was the synergy generated by the innovation. Also the influence that, for the first time, was promote an event with three years of anticipation through selective.
M. - Do you perceive that the people wait for the next championship?
Enough. There are classificatory distributed in 15 provinces, we count with the triple of events that for 2005, that says very much. People already know the format and is speculating with the classification. From January, the time is shorter and the movement will be stronger in the country.
M. – You have classification tournaments in other countries. Is it like that?
Even it seems to be incredible it is like that. We count with classification tournaments in Uruguay, Brazil, Honduras, Venezuela, and now Peru and Guatemala added. In addition, we are managing to add Chile, Paraguay, Puerto and Mexico.
M. - To what you attribute it?
Of the Championship Argentina 2005, was informed almost the whole America and Europe.
For this event, we face the diffusion method by Internet route with another strategy and include a blog where we report to the world of what happens day after day. A promoter of championships asked for a classificatory tournament in his country and that way was build the international fixture. Let's say that is was “casual”.

M. - What quantity of countries confirmed and how many you expect that take part?
To the moment, we have 35 teams of 16 countries and wait for a whole of 25.
M. - is a very strong prediction. Do you see that this participation could be viable?
I believe that yes. In addition I do not have doubts that the III World’s Championship “Argentina 2008 " is going to be giant.
The projection to generate an “Argentina 2008 “, is bigger than the 2005. In addition today I have international contacts that before I did not have, these already have references of the works that I carry out in Argentina. The international classificatory also are a sample of what is in preparation. Honestly, I do not know a circuit in the world that diagram this way. This also does that the championship estimates differently.
M. - Had you thought that this would happen?
M. – What do you think today?
From my interpretation, I believe that I broke with the paradigm in which the world championships only do in North America and in Europe. Argentina 2005 was the first offer in Latin America. I broke with the organizational schemes; in addition, takes part the one who classifies. The world championship is open but the people must win a place to take part. It makes it attractive, interesting and challenging. Only winners take part, therefore also contributes that in the championship we wait a high performance of the competitors.
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